Currency Plus is a useful currency converter and calculator that will help you find the current exchange rate for every currency in the world, including the dollar, euro, pound, yen, yuan, won, franc, ruble, dinar, peso, among many others.
The way it works is really simple. When you open the app, you'll be able to choose the currency you want to start with and calculate the conversion automatically, even to several different currencies at once.
To make it even easier, Currency Plus gives you the possibility to access a calculator included in the app itself with tips, discounts and purchases of goods abroad. Plus, it'll even inform you of the exchange rates when offline.
In short, thanks to Currency Plus you can have a practical currency converter in your pocket at all times. It's incredibly easy to use and lets you find out how much you should expect to get when exchanging your currency or help you when purchasing items outside your home country to know exactly how much you're spending in your own currency.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
The application is good, thank you.